3. Blob

3.1. blob_create_fromdisk

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository luagit2_oid
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository to look into for the given blob.
  2. path_to_blob : the path to the blob in repository .


The path should be relative to current path, which may or may not inside the directory.

3.2. blob_create_fromworkdir

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository luagit2_oid
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository to look into for the given blob.
  2. path_to_blob : the path to the blob in repository.


The path should be relative to root directory of repository. Prefer this method over blob_create_fromdisk while creating blob using its path and not oid.

3.3. blob_filtered_content

parameters Returns
luagit2_blob luagit2_buf
  1. luagit2_blob : The luagit2_blob whose content to look for .
  2. path_to_blob : the path to the blob in repository.
  3. check_for_binary_data : integer value of bool whether to check or not for filtered content.


The path should be relative to root directory of repository.

3.4. blob_id

parameters Returns
luagit2_blob luagit2_oid
  1. luagit2_blob : The blob whose oid is to be found.

3.5. blob_is_binary

parameters Returns
luagit2_blob boolean
  1. luagit2_blob : The blob which is to be checked.

3.6. blob_lookup

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository luagit2_blob
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository to look into for the given blob.
  2. luagit2_oid : the oid of the blob to look for.

3.7. blob_lookup_prefix

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository luagit2_blob
length (int)
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository to look into for the given blob.
  2. luagit2_oid : the oid of the blob to look for.
  3. length : length of oid to use for looking up.

3.8. blob_owner

parameters Returns
luagit2_blob luagit2_repository
  1. luagit2_blob : The blob whose owner repo is to be found.

3.9. blob_rawsize

parameters Returns
luagit2_blob size(number)
  1. luagit2_blob : The blob whose content size is to be found.

3.10. blob_free

parameters Returns
luagit2_blob None
  1. luagit2_blob : The blob which is to be freed.