19. Object Database (ODB)

These methods allow functions related to finding details about git objects in the repository’s object database.

19.1. odb_exists

parameters Returns
luagit2_odb exists (boolean)
  1. luagit2_odb : The object data base where to check.
  2. luagit2_oid : The oid of object to check.
  • Returns boolean if the object exists in the given odb.

19.2. odb_free

parameters Returns
luagit2_odb None
  1. luagit2_odb : The object to free.
  • Returns none or gives an error.

19.3. odb_hash

parameters Returns
data (string) luagit2_oid
  1. Data : The string data whose hash is to be found out.
  2. luagit2_otype : The object type for the data passed.
  • Returns corresponding luagit2_oid for data passed or gives an error.

19.4. odb_hashfile

parameters Returns
path (string) luagit2_oid
  1. path : The file’s path whose hash is to be found out.
  2. luagit2_otype : The object type for the file passed.
  • Returns corresponding luagit2_oid for file passed or gives an error.

19.5. odb_object_free

parameters Returns
luagit2_odb_object None
  1. luagit2_odb_object : The odb_object to free.
  • Returns none or gives an error.

19.6. odb_object_id

parameters Returns
luagit2_odb_object luagit2_oid
  1. luagit2_odb_object : The odb_object whose oid is to be found.
  • Returns corresponding luagit2_oid or gives an error.

19.7. odb_object_size

parameters Returns
luagit2_odb_object Size (number)
  1. luagit2_odb_object : The odb_object whose size is to be found.
  • Returns corresponding numerical value of size or gives an error.

19.8. odb_object_type

parameters Returns
luagit2_odb_object luagit2_otype
  1. luagit2_odb_object : The odb_object whose object type to be found.
  • Returns corresponding luagit2_otype or gives an error.

19.9. odb_open

parameters Returns
path (string) luagit2_odb
  1. path : The path to objects for the repository. example : repo/path/.git/objects
  • Returns corresponding luagit2_odb or gives an error.

19.10. odb_read

Get a luagit2_odb_object from the object_database using it’s oid.

parameters Returns
luagit2_odb luagit2_odb_object
  1. luagit2_odb : The odb from where to read data.
  2. luagit2_oid : The oid of object to read.
  • Returns luagit2_odb_object or gives an error.

19.11. odb_refresh

parameters Returns
luagit2_odb None
  1. luagit2_odb : The object to refresh.
  • Returns none or gives an error.

19.12. odb_write

Create a luagit2_odb_object in the object_database.

parameters Returns
luagit2_odb luagit2_oid
Buffer (string)
  1. luagit2_odb : The odb from where to add new ofb object data.
  2. Buffer : The string data to add to odb.
  3. luagit2_otype : The type of object the data refers to.
  • Returns luagit2_oid of new created object in odb or gives an error.