10. Cred

These methods help to create different type of Credential objects for a git repository.

10.1. cred_default_new

parameters Returns
None luagit2_cred_object
  • There are no parameters required. It finds default git credential details and returns luagit2_cred_object consisting of that data or gives an error.

10.2. cred_ssh_key_from_agent

parameters Returns
username(string) luagit2_cred_object
  1. username : The Agent username required to make a credential object.
  • Returns luagit2_cred_object for the given username or gives an error.

10.3. cred_ssh_key_memory_new

Create a new ssh key credential object reading the keys from memory.
parameters Returns
username(string) luagit2_cred_object
  1. username : The username to be used.
  2. public_key : The public key.
  3. private_key : The private key.
  4. pass_phrase : The pass phrase.
  • Returns corresponding luagit2_cred_object or an error.

10.4. cred_ssh_key_new

Create a new ssh key credential object .
parameters Returns
username(string) luagit2_cred_object
  1. username : The username to be used.
  2. public_key : The public key.
  3. private_key : The private key.
  4. pass_phrase : The pass phrase.
  • Returns corresponding luagit2_cred_object or an error.

10.5. cred_username_new

parameters Returns
username(string) luagit2_cred_object
  1. username : The username required to make a credential object.
  • Returns luagit2_cred_object for the given username or gives an error.

10.6. cred_userpass_plaintext_new

parameters Returns
username(string) luagit2_cred_object
  1. username : The username to be used.
  2. password : The password to be used.
  • Returns luagit2_cred_object for these provided details or gives an error.

10.7. cred_free

parameters Returns
luagit2_cred_object none
  1. luagit2_cred_object : The credential object to free.
  • Returns none or gives an error.