30. Tree

These Methods allow reading values froma git tree for a given repository and also helps in comparing them.

30.1. tree_entry_byid

parameters Returns
luagit2_tree luagit2_tree_entry
  1. luagit2_tree : The tree in which entyr is to be looked up.
  2. luagit2_oid : The tree entry oid which is being looked up.
  • Returns corresponding luagit2_tree_entry or gives an error.

30.2. tree_entry_byindex

parameters Returns
luagit2_tree luagit2_tree_entry
index_number (integer)
  1. luagit2_tree : The tree in which entyr is to be looked up.
  2. index_number : The tree entry index number is being looked up in the tree .
  • Returns corresponding luagit2_tree_entry or gives an error.

30.3. tree_entry_byname

parameters Returns
luagit2_tree luagit2_tree_entry
file_name (string)
  1. luagit2_tree : The tree in which entyr is to be looked up.
  2. file_name : The file name which is being looked up in the tree .
  • Returns corresponding luagit2_tree_entry or gives an error.

30.4. tree_entry_bypath

parameters Returns
luagit2_tree luagit2_tree_entry
file_path (string)
  1. luagit2_tree : The tree in which entyr is to be looked up.
  2. file_path : The path for file which is being looked up in the tree .
  • Returns corresponding luagit2_tree_entry or gives an error.

30.5. tree_entry_cmp

parameters Returns
luagit2_tree_entry Integer (>0, ==0 , <0)
  1. luagit2_tree_entry : The first tree entry to compare.
  2. luagit2_tree_entry : The second tree entry to compare.
  • Returns an integer value corresponding to
    1. (>0) if entry_first > entry_second.
    2. (=0) if entry_first = entry_second.
    3. (<0) if entry_first < entry_second.

30.6. tree_entry_filemode

parameters Returns
luagit2_tree_entry luagit2_filemode
  1. luagit2_tree_entry : The tree entry whose file mode is to be found.
  • Returns corresponding luagit2_filemode or an error.

30.7. tree_entry_filemode_raw

parameters Returns
luagit2_tree_entry luagit2_filemode
  1. luagit2_tree_entry : The tree entry whose file mode is to be found.
  • Returns corresponding raw luagit2_filemode or an error.

30.8. tree_entry_id

parameters Returns
luagit2_tree_entry luagit2_oid
  1. luagit2_tree_entry : The tree entry whose oid is to be found.
  • Returns corresponding luagit2_oid or an error.

30.9. tree_entry_name

parameters Returns
luagit2_tree_entry name (string)
  1. luagit2_tree_entry : The tree entry whose name is to be found.
  • Returns corresponding string name or an error.

30.10. tree_entry_to_object

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository luagit2_object
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository where to lookup for tree entry.
  2. luagit2_tree_entry : The tree entry which is to be converted to luagit2_object.
  • Returns corresponding luagit2_object or an error.

30.11. tree_entry_type

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository luagit2_otype
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository where to lookup for tree entry.
  2. luagit2_tree_entry : The tree entry whose object type is to be found.
  • Returns corresponding luagit2_otype or an error.

30.12. tree_entrycount

parameters Returns
luagit2_tree entry_count(number)
  1. luagit2_tree : The tree whose entry count is to be found.
  • Returns numerical value of number of entries or an error.

30.13. tree_id

parameters Returns
luagit2_tree luagit2_oid
  1. luagit2_tree : The tree whose oid is to be found.
  • Returns corresponding luagit2_oid or an error.

30.14. tree_lookup

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository luagit2_tree
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository where to lookup for tree.
  2. luagit2_oid : The oid of tree being looked up.
  • Returns corresponding luagit2_tree or an error.

30.15. tree_lookup_prefix

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository luagit2_tree
length (int)
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository where to lookup for tree.
  2. luagit2_oid : The oid of tree being looked up.
  3. length : The length of oid to be used for looking up the tree in repository.
  • Returns corresponding luagit2_tree or an error.

30.16. tree_owner

parameters Returns
luagit2_tree luagit2_repository
  1. luagit2_tree : The tree whose owner is to be found.
  • Returns owner luagit2_repository or gives an error.

30.17. tree_entry_free

parameters Returns
luagit2_tree_entry None
  1. luagit2_tree_entry : The tree entry which is to be freed.
  • Returns None or gives an error

30.18. tree_free

parameters Returns
luagit2_tree None
  1. luagit2_tree : The tree which is to be freed.
  • Returns None or gives an error.