15. Index

These Methods allow us to read, modify, create, delete working index for a given git repository.

15.1. index_add

Add an index entry to a present index in a git repo.

Parameters Returns
luagit2_index None
  1. luagit2_index : The index where to add a new index entry.
  2. luagit2_index_entry : The Index entry to be added.
  • returns None or gives an error.

15.2. index_add_bypath

Add a file to a present index in a git repo.

Parameters Returns
luagit2_index None
file_path (string)
  1. luagit2_index : The index where to add a new index entry.
  2. file_path : The path of file to be added.
  • returns None or gives an error.

15.3. index_caps

Get index capabilities flags value for a present index in a git repo.

Parameters Returns
luagit2_index Caps_val (integer)
  1. luagit2_index : The index where to add a new index entry.
  • returns an integer or gives an error.

15.4. index_checksum

Get the checksum of the index. A luagit2_oid is returned whose str value is equal to index’s checksum.

Parameters Returns
luagit2_index luagit2_oid
  1. luagit2_index : The index whose checksum to find.
  • returns corresponding luagit2_oid or gives an error.

15.5. index_conflict_add

Add or update index entries to represent a conflict. Any staged entries that exist at the given paths will be removed.

parameters Returns
luagit2_index None
  1. luagit2_index : The index where to add.
  2. luagit2_index_entry : The entry data for the ancestor of the conflict.
  3. luagit2_index_entry : The entry data for our side of the merge conflict.
  4. luagit2_index_entry : The entry data for their side of the merge conflict.
  • Returns None or gives an error.

15.6. index_conflict_cleanup

Remove all conflicts in the index

Parameters Returns
luagit2_index None
  1. luagit2_index : The index whose conflicts are to be cleaned up.
  • returns None or gives an error.

15.7. index_entry_is_conflict

Return whether the given index entry is a conflict.

Parameters Returns
luagit2_index_entry is_confict (Boolean)
  1. luagit2_index_entry : The index entry to check.
  • returns Boolean for accordingly as if the enrty is a conflict or not or gives an error.

15.8. index_entry_stage

Get the staged index value for the index entry.

Parameters Returns
luagit2_index_entry stage_index (integer)
  1. luagit2_index_entry : The index entry for which the stage index value is to be found.
  • returns stage index value of index entry or gives an error.

15.9. index_entrycount

Get the number of entries in a luagit2_index.

Parameters Returns
luagit2_index entry_count (integer)
  1. luagit2_index : The index whose entry count is to be found.
  • Returns integer value of entry count or gives an error.

15.10. index_find

Find the first position of any entries which point to given path in the Git index.

Parameters Returns
luagit2_index idx_pos (integer)
file_path (string)
  1. luagit2_index : The index where to search in.
  2. file_path : The file path to search for.
  • Returns an integer value for the index position or gives an error

15.11. index_find_prefix

Find the first position of any entries which point to given prefix name in the Git index.

Parameters Returns
luagit2_index idx_pos (integer)
prefix_name (string)
  1. luagit2_index : The index where to search in.
  2. prefix_name : The prefix name to search for.
  • Returns an integer value for the index position or gives an error.

15.12. index_get_byindex

Get an Index entry by its index number in a given git index.

Parameters Returns
luagit2_index luagit2_index_entry
idx_num (integer)
  1. luagit2_index : The index where to look for entry.
  2. idx_pos : The index position of entry in the luagit2_index.
  • Returns corresponding luagit2_index_entry or gives an error.

15.13. index_get_bypath

Parameters Returns
luagit2_index luagit2_index_entry
file_path (string)
stage_val (integer)
  1. luagit2_index : The index where to search in.
  2. file_path : The file path to search for.
  3. stage_val : The stage value for the indexentry .
  • Returns corresponding luagit2_index_entry or gives an error.

15.14. index_has_conflicts

Check if a luagit2_index has conflicting entries.

Parameters Returns
luagit2_index has_conflicts (Boolean)
  1. luagit2_index : The index which is to be checked.
  • Returns Boolean value if index has conflicts or gives an error.

15.15. index_open

Open a git index from its path.

Parameters Returns
index_path (string) luagit2_index
  • Returns luagit2_index or gives an error.

15.16. index_owner

Get the owner repo for a given git index

Parameters Returns
luagit2_index luagit2_reposiotory
  • Returns corresponding owner luagit2_reposiotory or gives an error.

15.17. index_path

Get the file path of a given git index.

Parameters Returns
luagit2_index path (string)
  • Returns corresponding path or gives an error.

15.18. index_read

Update the index by reading values from disk. (actual values in the repo)

Parameters Returns
luagit2_index None
force (integer)
  1. luagit2_index : The index to be updated.
  2. force : integer equivalent of bool to force reading values from disk.
  • Returns none but updated values in the luagit2_index.

15.19. index_read_tree

Read values from a given tree into the git index.

Parameters Returns
luagit2_index None
  1. luagit2_index : The index to read values into.
  2. luagit2_tree : The tree where to read values from.
  • Returns none but updated values in the luagit2_index.

15.20. index_remove

Remove an entry from index. This should remove the staged index entry.

Parameters Returns
luagit2_index None
file_path (string)
stage_val (integer)
  1. luagit2_index : The index where to search in.
  2. file_path : The file path to search for.
  3. stage_val : The stage value for the index entry .
  • Returns None or gives an error.

15.21. index_remove_bypath

Remove an entry from index using only file path. This should remove the index entry completely.

Parameters Returns
luagit2_index None
file_path (string)
  1. luagit2_index : The index where to search in.
  2. file_path : The file path to search for.
  • Returns None or gives an error.

15.22. index_remove_directory

Remove an Directory from index. This should remove the staged index entry.

Parameters Returns
luagit2_index None
directory_path (string)
stage_val (integer)
  1. luagit2_index : The index where to search in.
  2. directory_path : The directory path to search for.
  3. stage_val : The stage value for the index entry .
  • Returns None or gives an error.

15.23. index_set_caps

Parameters Returns
luagit2_index None
caps_val (integer)
  1. luagit2_index : The index value whose capabilities flags are to be set.
  2. caps_val : The integer value for the flags value of capabilities for index.
  • Returns None or gives an error.

15.24. index_set_version

Parameters Returns
luagit2_index None
version_number (integer)
  1. luagit2_index : The index value whose capabilities flags are to be set.
  2. version_number : The integer value of version for index.
  • Returns None or gives an error.

15.25. index_version

Parameters Returns
luagit2_index version_number (integer)
  1. luagit2_index : The index whose version is to be found.
  • returns None or gives an error.

15.26. index_write

Write the index to disk.

Parameters Returns
luagit2_index None
  1. luagit2_index : The index to be written to disk.
  • returns None or gives an error.

15.27. index_write_tree

Write index to a tree.

Parameters Returns
luagit2_index luagit2_oid
  1. luagit2_index : The index to be written to tree.
  • returns luagit2_oid of the tree or gives an error.

15.28. index_write_tree_to

Parameters Returns
luagit2_index luagit2_oid
  1. luagit2_index : The index to be written to tree.
  2. luagit2_reposiotory : The repository to write to.
  • returns luagit2_oid of the tree or gives an error.

15.29. index_free

Parameters Returns
luagit2_index None
  1. luagit2_index : The index to be freed.
  • returns None or gives an error.