9. Config

These methods help to read and modify configuration details for a git repository.

9.1. config_delete_entry

parameters Returns
luagit2_config None
entry_name (string)
  1. luagit2_config : The config whose entry is to be deleted.
  2. entry_name : The entry name to delete.
  • returns none or gives an error.

9.2. config_delete_multivar

parameters Returns
luagit2_config None
entry_name (string)
regex_name (string)
  1. luagit2_config : The config whose entry is to be deleted.
  2. entry_name : The entry name to delete.
  3. regex_name : The regex using which to search.
  • returns none or gives an error.

9.3. config_find_global

parameters Returns
None luagit2_buf
  • There are no parameters required. It finds global git configuration details and returns luagit2_buf consisting of that data or gives an error.

9.4. config_find_programdata

parameters Returns
None luagit2_buf
  • There are no parameters required. It finds programdata git configuration details and returns luagit2_buf consisting of that data or gives an error.


This method should be used on windows system only.

9.5. config_find_system

parameters Returns
None luagit2_buf
  • There are no parameters required. It finds system git configuration details and returns luagit2_buf consisting of that data or gives an error.

9.6. config_find_xdg

parameters Returns
None luagit2_buf
  • There are no parameters required. It finds XDG git configuration details and returns luagit2_buf consisting of that data or gives an error.


This method should be used on windows system only.

9.7. config_get_int32

parameters Returns
luagit2_config None
entry_name (string)
  1. luagit2_config : The config whose entries are to be looked up.
  2. entry_name : The entry whose value is to be found.
  • Get the value of an 32bit integer config variable or en error.

9.8. config_get_int64

parameters Returns
luagit2_config None
entry_name (string)
  1. luagit2_config : The config whose entries are to be looked up.
  2. entry_name : The entry whose value is to be found.
  • Get the value of an 64bit integer config variable or an error.

9.9. config_get_bool

parameters Returns
luagit2_config boolean
entry_name (string)
  1. luagit2_config : The config whose entries are to be looked up.
  2. entry_name : The entry whose value is to be found.
  • Get the boolean value of an config variable or an error.

9.10. config_get_path

parameters Returns
luagit2_config luagit2_buf
entry_name (string)
  1. luagit2_config : The config whose entries are to be looked up.
  2. entry_name : The entry whose value is to be found.
  • returns a luagit2_buf for path value of an config variable or an error.

9.11. config_get_string

parameters Returns
luagit2_config luagit2_buf
entry_name (string)
  1. luagit2_config : The config whose entries are to be looked up.
  2. entry_name : The entry whose value is to be found.
  • returns a string for value of an config variable or an error.

9.12. config_get_string_buf

parameters Returns
luagit2_config luagit2_buf
entry_name (string)
  1. luagit2_config : The config whose entries are to be looked up.
  2. entry_name : The entry whose value is to be found.
  • returns a luagit2_buf for string value of an config variable or an error.

9.13. config_open_default

parameters Returns
None luagit2_config
  • There are no parameters required. It finds default git configuration details and returns luagit2_config consisting of that data or gives an error.

9.14. config_open_global

parameters Returns
luagit2_config (parent) luagit2_config
  1. luagit2_config : The config whose global git config details are to be found.
  • returns luagit2_config for given’s config global values or an error.

9.15. config_open_level

parameters Returns
luagit2_config (parent) luagit2_config
  1. luagit2_config : The parent config used to find values.
  2. luagit2_config_level_t : The config level to open. This can be obtained by any of these helper methods config_level_program_data() , config_level_system() , config_level_xdg() , config_level_global() or config_level_local().


The xdg and programdata config level should be used on;y in windows type system.

  • Returns corresponding luagit2_config or gives an error.

9.16. config_open_ondisk

parameters Returns
path (string) luagit2_config
  1. path : The path of config file in the repository to look for. Onw may also open global config file by passing appropriate path value.


One may also first create a config file using config_add_file_ondisk() and then use it.

  • returns corresponding luagit2_config or an error.

9.17. config_parse_bool

parameters Returns
value(string) boolean
  1. value : string value to parse.
  • returns a boolen value for the passed string. The value true is returned for true , yes , on or 1 or any other number other than zero and false for false, no, off and 0.

9.18. config_parse_int32

parameters Returns
value(string) number
  1. value : string value to parse.
  • returns 32 bit int type number value of passed string.

9.19. config_parse_int64

parameters Returns
value(string) number
  1. value : string value to parse.
  • returns 64 bit int type number value of passed string.

9.20. config_parse_path

parameters Returns
value(string) luagit2_buf
  1. value : string value to parse.
  • returns luagit2_buf for passed path string value.

9.21. config_set_bool

Use this to set boolean values to entries in a git config.
parameters Returns
luagit2_config None
entry_name (string)
value (boolean)
  1. luagit2_config : The config whose entries are to be set.
  2. entry_name : The entry name to set.
  3. value : boolean value to be set.
  • Returns none or gives an error.

9.22. config_set_int32

parameters Returns
luagit2_config None
entry_name (string)
value (number)
  1. luagit2_config : The config whose entries are to be set.
  2. entry_name : The entry name to set.
  3. value : 32 bit integer type value to be set.
  • Returns none or gives an error.

9.23. config_set_int64

parameters Returns
luagit2_config None
entry_name (string)
value (number)
  1. luagit2_config : The config whose entries are to be set.
  2. entry_name : The entry name to set.
  3. value : 64 bit integer type value to be set.
  • Returns none or gives an error.

9.24. config_set_multivar

Can be used to set string values in a git config.
parameters Returns
luagit2_config None
entry_name (string)
regex (string)
value (string)
  1. luagit2_config : The config whose entries are to be set.
  2. entry_name : The entry name to set.
  3. regex : The regular expression to be used while setting variable values.
  4. value : string value to be set.
  • Returns none or gives an error.

9.25. config_set_string

Can be used to set string values in a git config.
parameters Returns
luagit2_config None
entry_name (string)
value (string)
  1. luagit2_config : The config whose entries are to be set.
  2. entry_name : The entry name to set.
  3. value : string value to be set.
  • Returns none or gives an error.

9.26. config_snapshot

parameters Returns
luagit2_config (parent) luagit2_config
  1. luagit2_config : The parent config whose snapshot is to be created.
  • returns snapshot luagit2_config for given config or an error.


This method only creates a snapshot. Only snapshot config as returned by this function is to be used while reading values. Setting values can not be performed on config snapshot.

9.27. config_free

parameters Returns
luagit2_config None
  1. luagit2_config : The config to free.
  • returns none or an error.

9.28. config_add_file_ondisk

parameters Returns
luagit2_config None
path (string)
force (int)
  1. luagit2_config : The config to add on disk.
  2. path : The path where to save.
  3. luagit2_config_level_t : The config level used to save the file.
  4. luagit2_repository : The repository to save.
  5. force : integer value fo boolean to force create a config.
  • Returns None or an error.

9.29. config_new

parameters Returns
None luagit2_config
  • No parameters required. returns an empty luagit2_config or an error.

9.30. config_iterator_new

parameters Returns
luagit2_config luagit2_config_iterator
  1. luagit2_config : The config for which an iterator is to be created.
  • returns luagit2_config_iterator for the given config or an error.

9.31. config_entry_free

parameters Returns
luagit2_config_entry None
  1. luagit2_config_entry : The config_entry to free.
  • returns none or an error.

9.32. config_get_entry

parameters Returns
luagit2_config luagit2_config_entry
entry_name (string)
  1. luagit2_config : The config whose entries are to be looked up.
  2. entry_name : The entry whose value is to be found.

..note:: The config entry values can be read using helper methods config_entry_name() and config_entry_value().

  • Returns luagit2_config_entry for that or gives an error.

9.33. config_next

parameters Returns
luagit2_config_iterator luagit2_config_entry
  1. luagit2_config_iterator : The config_iterator to lookup values in.
  • returns next luagit2_config_entry or an error.

..note:: The config entry values can be read using helper methods config_entry_name() and config_entry_value().

9.34. config_iterator_free

parameters Returns
luagit2_config_iterator None
  1. luagit2_config_iterator : The config_iterator to free.
  • returns none or an error.