22. Repository

22.1. repository_commondir

Get the path of the shared common directory for this repository.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository common_dir_path (string)
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository whose path is to be found.
  • Returns common dir path of given repository.

22.2. repository_config

Get the repository’s config.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository luagit2_config
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository whose config is to be found.
  • Returns corresponding luagit2_config or gives an error.

22.3. repository_config_snapshot

Get the repository’s config snapshot.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository luagit2_config
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository whose config is to be found.
  • Returns corresponding snapshot type of luagit2_config or gives an error.

22.4. repository_detach_head

Detach the repository’s HEAD so that HEAD now points to nothing.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository None
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository whose HEAD is to be detached.
  • Returns None or gives an error.

22.5. repository_get_namespace

Get the namespace value for a given repository.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository namespace (string)
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository whose namespace is to be found.
  • Returns corresponding namespace or gives an error.

22.6. repository_head

Get the Reference being pointed by the repository’s HEAD.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository luagit2_reference
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository whose reference being pointed by HEAD is to be found.
  • Returns corresponding luagit2_reference or gives an error.

22.7. repository_head_detached

Check if repository’s HEAD is detached or not.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository is_detached (boolean)
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository which is to be checked.
  • Returns Boolean equivalent for if the HEAD is detached or not.

22.8. repository_head_for_worktree

Get The HEAD for the worktree.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository luagit2_reference
worktree_name (string)
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository where to look for worktree.
  2. worktree_name : The name of worktree to look for.
  • Returns corresponding luagit2_reference or gives an error.

22.9. repository_head_unborn

Check if HEAD for the repository is unborn, it is not at all created.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository is_unborn (boolean)
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository which is to be checked.
  • Returns Boolean equivalent for if the HEAD is unborn or not.

22.10. repository_ident

Get the repository’s identity details.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository name (string)
  email (string)
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository whose identity details are to be found.
  • Returns two values as name and email for set repo’s variables.

22.11. repository_index

Get the repository’s currently active Index.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository luagit2_index
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository whose index is to be found.
  • Returns corresponding luagit2_index or gives an error .

22.12. repository_init

Initialize an empty repository.

parameters Returns
path_to_repo (string) luagit2_repository
is_bare (integer)
  1. path_to_repo : The path where new repository is to be initialized.
  2. is_bare : integer equlavalent of boolean for if the new repository should be bare or not.
  • Returns a new luagit2_repository or gives an error.

22.13. repository_is_bare

Check if a repository is bare.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository is_bare (boolean)
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository which is to be checked.
  • Returns Boolean equivalent for repository it is bare or not.

22.14. repository_is_empty

Check if a repository is empty.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository is_empty (boolean)
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository which is to be checked.
  • Returns Boolean equivalent for if repository is empty or not.

22.15. repository_is_shallow

Check if a repository is shallow.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository is_shallow (boolean)
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository which is to be checked.
  • Returns Boolean equivalent for if repository is shallow or not.

22.16. repository_is_worktree

Check if the repository is also worktree. The answer may be different for a submodule repository.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository is_worktree (boolean)
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository which is to be checked.
  • Returns Boolean equivalent for if repository is worktree or not.

22.17. repository_message

Get the repository’s message.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository luagit2_buf
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository whose message is to be found.
  • Returns message in a luagit2_buf or gives an error.

22.18. repository_message_remove

Remove message for the repository.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository None
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository whose message is to be removed.
  • Returns none or gives an error.

22.19. repository_odb

Get a repo’s odb (object database).

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository luagit2_odb
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository whose odb is to be removed.
  • Returns corresponding luagit2_odb or gives an error.

22.20. repository_open

Open a repository at a given path.

parameters Returns
path_to_repo (string) luagit2_repository
  1. path_to_repo : The path to repository to be opened.
  • Returns corresponding luagit2_repository or gives an error.

22.21. repository_open_bare

Open a repository as bare repository at a given path.

parameters Returns
path_to_repo (string) luagit2_repository
  1. path_to_repo : The path to repository to be opened.
  • Returns corresponding luagit2_repository or gives an error.

22.22. repository_open_from_worktree

parameters Returns
luagit2_worktree luagit2_repository
  1. luagit2_worktree : The worktree using which repository is to be opened.
  • Returns corresponding luagit2_repository or gives an error.

22.23. repository_path

Get the repository’s path.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository path (string)
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository whose path is to be found.
  • Returns corresponding repository’s path or gives an error.

22.24. repository_refdb

Get the repository’s reference database.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository luagit2_refdb
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository whose reference database is to be found .
  • Returns corresponding repository’s luagit2_refdb or gives an error.

22.25. repository_set_head

set the HEAD of the repository to point to a given ref name.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository None
ref_name (string)
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository whose HEAD is to be set.
  2. ref_name : The reference name where the repository should point at.
  • Returns None or gives an error.

22.26. repository_set_head_detached

Set the detached HEAD to point to a commit. It will not make HEAD point to a reference. HEAD simply points to a given commit id.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository None
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository whose HEAD is to be set in a detached manner.
  2. luagit2_oid : Object id of the Commit the HEAD should point to.
  • Returns None or gives error.

22.27. repository_set_ident

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository None
name (string)
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository whose identity variables are to be set.
  2. name : The name to be set.
  3. email : The email variable to be set.
  • Returns none or gives an error.

22.28. repository_set_namespace

Set the namespace of the repository .

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository None
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository whose namespace is to be set.
  2. namespace : The namespace to be used.
  • Returns None or gives an error.

22.29. repository_set_workdir

Set the work directory of the repository .

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository None
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository whose workdir is to be set.
  2. workdir : The path of work directory to be used.
  • Returns None or gives an error.

22.30. repository_state

Get the integer value of a repository’s state values.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository state(integer)
  1. luagit2_repository : the repository whose state values are to be found.
  • Returns an integer value for state values flag set.

22.31. repository_state_cleanup

Cleanup the state values for a repository.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository None
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository whose state values are to be cleaned.
  • Returns none or gives error.

22.32. repository_workdir

Get the repository’s work directory.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository work_dir (string)
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository whose workdir is to be found.
  • Returns the workdir path for the repository or gives an error.

22.33. repository_free

Frees a used luagit2_repository object.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository None
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository object to be freed.
  • Returns None or gives error.

22.34. repository_submodule_cache_all

Cache all the objects of a repository’s submodules.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository None
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository whose objects are to cached.
  • Returns none.

22.35. repository_submodule_cache_clear

Clear all the cache objects of a repository’s submodules.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository None
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository whose caches are to be cleared.
  • Returns none.

22.36. repository_set_index

Set the repository’s current index.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository NOne
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository whose index is to be set.
  2. luagit2_index : The index to be set.
  • Returns None or gives error.

22.37. repository_set_bare

Set the repo to be bare.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository None
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository to be set bare.
  • Returns none.

22.38. repository_set_config

Set the repository’s current config values.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository NOne
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository whose config is to be set.
  2. luagit2_config : The config to be set.
  • Returns None or gives error.

22.39. repository_set_odb

Set the repository’s current odb.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository NOne
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository whose Odb is to be set.
  2. luagit2_odb : The Odb to be set.
  • Returns None or gives error.

22.40. repository__cleanup

Cleans up the repository.

parameters Returns
luagit2_repository None
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository to be cleaned.
  • Returns none.